In Charlotte Bronte’s 39 years of life, she
only wrote four novels. The four novels include Villette, The Professor, Jane Eyre, and Shirley.
In each novel, love was a common theme. In each novel, themes such as love versus autonomy, religion, social class, independence
as a woman, and gender relations are present. Her most famous piece of work is Jane
In Jane Eyre, Bronte uses love as a fundamental and universal idea that is relevant to the past, the present, and
the future. Jane Eyre has never known true love in her life until she met Mr.
Rochester. Through him, she was able to open her heart for love. This theme can be seen in today’s society as people
look for love in all the wrong places. Jane Eyre did not look for love, instead love found her. Independence
as a woman is also a significant theme in Jane Eyre. During Charlotte Bronte’s
time period, women were viewed as delicate and fragile. Yet, in her novel, she was able to deviate from the norm and portray
Jane Eyre as independent and self-governing.
Charlotte Bronte
was effective in describing love as a universal theme. In each novel, love becomes a central conflict that arises within the
characters. Most of Charlotte Bronte’s books are based on her life and her experiences. It becomes an insight to how
she viewed her existence.