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There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning; but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when there was no company, dined early) the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so sombre, and a rain so penetrating, that further out-door exercise was now out of the question.

I was glad of it: I never liked long walks, especially on chilly afternoons: dreadful to me was the coming home in the raw twilight, with nipped fingers and toes, and a heart saddened by the chidings of Bessie, the nurse, and humbled by the consciousness of my physical inferiority to Eliza, John, and Georgiana Reed.

The said Eliza, John, and Georgiana were now clustered round their mama in the drawing-room: she lay reclined on a sofa by the fireside, and with her darlings about her (for the time neither quarrelling nor crying) looked perfectly happy. Me, she had dispensed from joining the group; saying, 'She regretted to be under the necessity of keeping me at a distance; but that until she heard from Bessie, and could discover by her own observation that I was endeavouring in good earnest to acquire a more sociable and childlike disposition, a more attractive and sprightly manner,—something lighter, franker, more natural as it were—she really must exclude me from privileges intended only for contented, happy, little children.'

Excerpt from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

     In Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, she enhances the theme of enduring love as a central conflict. Jane Eyre has never known true love until she begins working as a governess for Mr. Rochester. She is eighteen and begins to fall in love with Mr. Rochester who is almost twice her age. Mr. Rochester is intrigued and fascinated by Jane’s courage, education, moral standards, and character. However, she is not blinded by love. Jane is well aware of Mr. Rochester’s status and wealth.

     Charlotte Bronte portrays love as mutual attraction between Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre. She illustrates that love needs to be based on mutual admiration, common need, and acknowledgment of each others’ flaws. Throughout the novel, Jane Eyre maintains her individuality and self-respect. On their wedding day when she finds out that Mr. Rochester is already married, she refuses to become his mistress. She leaves him and tries to support herself. Jane realizes that her feelings for Mr. Rochester are not weak and flimsy, but real and dedicated. She seeks him out and finds him blind and maimed. Since his wife died in the fire that left him maimed, Jane marries him and stays with him. Her love for Mr. Rochester endures through harsh times but in the end, she still loves him.

     Charlotte Bronte’s theme of love is realistic and applicable to the real world. She does not portray it as superficial and shallow. Bronte depicts love as it should be in any relationship; it becomes a guide to how she wants to live her life.